Facts About Mannish water
Mannish water is a cherished goat soup in Jamaican cuisine, often celebrated for its aphrodisiac properties. This robust dish incorporates various parts of the goat, seasoned with local herbs and spices, and simmered alongside an array of vegetables such as yam, potato, bananas, and dumplings. Since 2006, Spicy Hill Farms has packaged and marketed mannish water, proudly branding it as "Jamaica's favorite party soup." For over 300 years, this soup has been a staple at Jamaican celebrations, particularly during "Maroon" festivals.
According to the Rough Guide, mannish water is traditionally served to a groom on his wedding night, which adds to its cultural significance. The dish often appears in literature about Jamaica, underscoring its importance. Mannish water even permeated popular culture through the 1974 song "Ram Goat Liver" by Pluto Shervington, which mentions the soup in its lyrics. Moreover, it's intriguing to note that The Rolling Stones' 1973 album "Goats Head Soup" is believed to have drawn inspiration from mannish water, as some of the album was recorded in Kingston, Jamaica, where the dish is a local specialty.