Facts About Hishi mochi
Hishi mochi is a cherished Japanese confection, especially enjoyed during the Hinamatsuri festival, also known as "Girl's Day." This sweet treat is distinctively shaped like a rhombus and traditionally comprises three colorful layers: red, white, and green mochi. It is a staple accompanying the display of hina dolls during the festival. In some regions, variations include replacing the red layer with yellow, and occasionally, there are versions with five or seven layers instead of the usual three.
The rhomboid shape of hishi mochi dates back to the Edo period and symbolizes fertility. The red layer derives its color from the fruits of Gardenia jasminoides, representing plum blossoms. The white layer, made from water caltrop (hishi), symbolizes snow and its purifying qualities. The green layer, sourced from Gnaphalium affine or mugwort (similar to kusa mochi), is believed to have health benefits, particularly for blood circulation.