Facts About Japanese peanut
Cracker nuts, also known as Japanese peanuts or Japanese-style peanuts, are a delectable snack created by coating peanuts in a wheat flour batter and frying them to crispy perfection. These flavorful treats are available in a variety of options to suit diverse palates.
The origins of cracker nuts date back to Mexico in the 1940s. The creation is attributed to Yoshigei Nakatani, a Japanese immigrant who introduced "Japanese peanuts" or as they are known in Spanish-speaking regions, "cacahuetes japoneses" or "maní japonés." The Mexican version is renowned for its extra-crunchy shell, crafted using a unique recipe that includes wheat flour, soy sauce, water, sugar, monosodium glutamate, and citric acid.
In Canada, a similar snack called Chip Nuts is produced by Picard Peanuts. Instead of a wheat flour coating, these peanuts are encased in a potato chip mixture, incorporating various flavors of potato chips to create a distinctive and crunchy snack.
Whether you prefer the traditional Japanese-style peanuts or the Canadian Chip Nuts, these crunchy snacks are sure to satisfy your cravings!