Museo Taurino de Huamantla, Huamantla

Facts and practical information
The Museo Taurino de Huamantla Miguel Corona Medina is located in the city of Huamantla, in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, next to the Centennial Bullring La Taurina Fernando de los Reyes El Callao. The building that houses it dates back to the mid-eighteenth century. As a museum it opened its doors on August 15th, 1982. The museum was founded and safeguarded since its beginnings by the Peña Taurina Huamantla, A.C. It presents a collection of models of bullrings of the country, bullfighting costumes, crutches, capes, stoques, banderillas, posters allusive to the fiesta brava as well as photographs and technical cards of hundreds of matadors of several centuries and has three murals; one in relief allusive to the "Huamantlada" by Mtro. Luis Manuel Flores Padilla, another one in oil by Mtro. Mario Alberto Aguilar, with diverse scenes of the bullfighting field and finally another one in oil by Mtro. David Cárdenas with portraits of bullfighters from Tlaxcala and the region, as well as vignettes of different angles of the Bullring. The models were all made by the sculptor and practical amateur Miguel Briones. Among these models special details stand out such as the evolution in the history of the Plaza Taurina de Huamantla, today also known as Plaza de Toros La Taurina de Huamantla, starting in 1918 and nowadays the name of the matador Fernando de Los Reyes "El Callao" was added to it. It had in its beginnings the particularity of being rectangular in shape, like many others in the world; in 1912 by agreement of the town council the mayor Jose Maria Ortega named the syndic of the town council in a document that says: To the syndic of the honorable town council citizen Manuel Hernandez. City. Free and constitutional Huamantla October 13, 1912. The presidency of my office, has seen fit to designate you so that with the character of judge you may preside over the bullfight that is announced for the afternoon of today. I am saying this to you for your information, telling you that the political prefecture has already been asked for the guard to watch over the order of said function. Miguel Ortega. To the left margin a blue ink seal that says the following; on a ribbon. Mexican Republic and on the seal's circle; Ayuntamiento de Huamantla, Estado Libre y Soberano de Tlaxcala. No. 10024 In the center the national coat of arms with the eagle for will turn. With the same excellent calligraphy of then, this labeled the envelope that contained it and is exhibited in a frame built by the same judge of square Manuel Hernandez Farfan.
Founded at the initiative of Miguel Corona Medina seconded by other bullfighting enthusiasts such as: Eduardo Breton Gonzalez, Jose Hernandez Castillo, Jose Augusto Valdez Lima, Jose Andalco Leon, Joaquin Lopez Rodriguez, Rafael Cervantes Lopez among many others.
Allende Norte 205Huamantla