Region Managua
Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.
Must-Visit Places and Tourist Attractions
Old Cathedral of Managua
Enduring church condemned in 1972Rubén Darío National Theatre
Immaculate Conception Cathedral Managua
Apoyeque Managua
La Centroamerica Managua
Palacio de la Cultura Managua
Tiscapa Lagoon Natural Reserve Managua
Ticuantepe Managua
Neil Armstrong Observatory Managua
Pharaoh's Casino Managua
Ancient footprints of Acahualinca Managua
Central American University Managua
University of Commercial Sciences Managua
National Autonomous University of Nicaragua Managua
Contraloria General de la República Managua
American University Managua