Inowrocław, Poland

Inowrocław Travel Guide

Trek Zone

Facts and practical information

Alternative names: Town rights: 1238 (786 years ago)Population: 77.6 thous. (2019)Area: 11.75 mi²Maximum elevation: 328 ftMinimal elevation: 279 ftCoordinates: 52°47'41"N, 18°15'14"E


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Inowrocław Top Attractions

Inowrocław Attractions - What to See and Explore

Inowrocław offers many attractions and places to visit. Here are the most important ones: Basilica Minor under the invocation of the Blessed Lady Mary, TĘŻNIE & Park Solankowy, Ławeczka Władysława Sikorskiego, Paw - zegar słoneczny. Below you will find a complete list of places worth visiting.

  • basilica minor under the invocation of the blessed lady mary inowroclaw
  • teznie park solankowy inowroclaw location map
  • laweczka wladyslawa sikorskiego inowroclaw
  • paw zegar sloneczny inowroclaw location map
  • kosciol pw sw jozefa inowroclaw
  • bad oeynhausen plac inowroclaw location map
  • mur miejski inowroclaw location map

Inowrocław plan & book

Unleash the traveler in you — discover the cheapest flight deals, find the perfect hotel or hostel nearby, and search for the best car rental prices. Travel at your own pace to discover new places and enjoy your journey.

Day trips

Inowrocław – popular in the area (distance from the center)

In the vicinity of Inowrocław, it's worth seeing attractions such as: Palaces and Park Complex (Vistula Landscape Park), Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Chełmno.

  • palaces and park complex vistula landscape park24 milesN
  • basilica of our lady of lichen33 milesS
  • chelmno49 milesSE
  • exploseum bydgoszcz20 milesN
  • biskupin21 milesW

Best Time To Visit Inowrocław

Learn when is the best time to travel to Inowrocław weather-wise and what to expect in each season.

Popularity among visitors


June and August are the busiest months in this location. Many people also choose to visit in July.

Average temperatures in °F


The highest air temperature is in June, July and August. While the coldest is in January and February.

Monthly rainfall in inches


The lowest rainfall is recorded in February. Most of it rains in July.

Length of day in hours


We can expect the longest days in June, while the shortest in December.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the best time to visit Inowrocław?

June and August are the busiest months in this location. Many people also choose to visit in July. The highest air temperature is in June, July and August. While the coldest is in January and February.

Where to next? Visit kuyavian pomeranian Kuyavian-Pomeranian region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Poland.