Tatra National Park: Church
Places and attractions in the Church category
Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Jaworzyńskiej Królowej Tatr
Marian Sanctuary on Wiktorówki, Sanctuary of Our Lady Queen of the Tatra Mountains or Our Lady of Jaworzyna - sanctuary on Wiktorówki in the High Tatras. It is located within the Tatra National Park, in the immediate vicinity of Rusinowa Polana at...
Kaplica pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusa w Jaszczurówce
Jaszczurówka Chapel, Jaszczurówka Chapel, Sacred Heart of Jesus Chapel - a branch church of the Roman Catholic parish in Toporowa Cyrhla. The temple designed by Stanislaw Witkiewicz began construction in 1904, and was consecrated in 1907.
Klasztor Albertynek na Kalatówkach
Albertine Convent in Kalatówki - a monastery and hermitage complex of the Albertine Female Order in Kalatówki, Zakopane. It is located on the way of Brother Albert from Kuźnice to Kalatówki clearing.
Klasztor Albertynów na Śpiącej Górze
Albertine Monastery on Śpiącej Góra or Albertine Monastery on Kalatówki - a monastery and hermitage complex of the male Albertine Order on Kalatówki in Zakopane. It is located within the Tatra Mountains on the so-called Sleepy Mountain on the...