Rezerwat Krajobrazowy im. prof. Wł. Szafera

Facts and practical information
Władysław Szafer Landscape Reserve - a forest nature reserve located in Podlaskie Province within the municipalities of Hajnówka and Białowieża, on both sides of road 689 at a length of 17 km.
The beginnings of protection date back to 1921, restitution in 1969. The area of the reserve, according to the 1969 Act of Appointment, was 1356,91 ha, now - 1343,91 ha. At first it was called "The landscape reserve in Bia這wie瘸 Forest". The present name was given to it in 1989 in honor of Władysław Szafer - a Polish botanist.
The object of protection are forest communities representing almost the entire forest from riparian forests and alder woods through oak-hornbeam forests to spruce and pine forests - altogether 17 different communities. The communities are characterized by a diversified age and size structure of trees, numerous monumental trees grow here.
In the reserve there are 37 barrows from the X-XIII century. The highest hill is Batory Mountain with an altitude of 183 m above sea level.
A green hiking trail runs through the reserve.
Rezerwat Krajobrazowy im. prof. Wł. Szafera – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)
Nearby attractions include: Dormition Church, Open Air Wooden Architecture of Rus' Population of Podlachia Museum in Białowieża, Bison Show Reserve, Cerkiew pw. Narodzenia Świętego Jana Chrzciciela.