Kościół pw. NMP Królowej Polski
#1169 among destinations in Poland

Facts and practical information
St. Nicholas Church in Pełkiny - a brick parish Greek Catholic church, located in Pełkiny.
Kościół pw. NMP Królowej Polski – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)
Nearby attractions include: Muzeum Kamienica Orsettich, Dzieduszycki Palace, Park Miejski im. Bohaterów Monte Cassino, Kolegiata Bożego Ciała.
4.1 miSEMuseumMuzeum Kamienica Orsettich, Jarosław
106 min walk • Orsetti tenement house - one of the monuments of bourgeois architecture in Jarosław.
6.5 miSWPalaceDzieduszycki Palace
167 min walk • Dzieduszycki Palace is a palace situated in Zarzecze in southern Poland. The palace is characterized by rich ornamental decorations, a reference to the art of the Greeks and Romans. The building was founded by Magdalena Morska of the Dzieduszycki family, built in the years 1798-1812.
3.5 miSEParkPark Miejski im. Bohaterów Monte Cassino, Jarosław
90 min walk • Bohaterów Monte Cassino Municipal Park in Jarosław - was established in 1902 in the Olszanówka district. It was owned by Dr. Henryk Maks and Wilhelm Sieminski-Lewicki. In the park there was a wooden building and a swimming pool.
3.9 miSEChurchKolegiata Bożego Ciała, Jarosław
101 min walk • Corpus Christi Collegiate Church in Jarosław - a former St. John's Jesuit church located on Piotr Skargi Square in Jarosław.
4.1 miSEChurchKościół pw.Świętego Ducha, Jarosław
105 min walk • Church of the Holy Spirit in Jarosław on Grunwaldzka Street. Former hospital church associated with the foundation of the poor, confirmed and expanded in 1462.
3.8 miSEChurchKościół pw. świętego Mikołaja i świętego Stanisława, Jarosław
97 min walk • The Church of St. Nicholas and St. Stanislaus the Bishop in Yaroslavl on Benedictine Street, called Anna Kasarnia by older residents, was built between 1614 and 1624. It is an oriented church, on a rectangular plan with a semicircular chancel apse...
4 miSEChurchKaplica Wniebowzięcia NMP, Jarosław
102 min walk • Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Orthodox Church in Yaroslavl - Roman Catholic chapel, located in the Baśka Puzon Municipal Park, on Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Street. Former Greek Catholic cemetery chapel.
4 miSECemeteryCmentarz Stary, Jarosław
103 min walk • Old Cemetery in Cmentarna St. established in 1784 and in use since 1785. Initially a small, square square square, it was enlarged twice in 1850 and 1890. The oldest historical tombstones are from the 19th century and are characterized by great...
4 miSEParkPark im. Baśki Puzon, Jarosław
101 min walk • Czesława Puzon a.k.a. "Baśka" Town Park - is located in Jarosław between Kraszewskiego Street and Czesława Puzon a.k.a. "Baśka" Street. The park lies in the area of the former Greek Catholic cemetery, which is proved by the remains of the Orthodox...
4 miSEChurchKościół pw. Trójcy Przenajświętszej, Jarosław
102 min walk • Holy Trinity Church and Monastery of the Franciscan Fathers - a Roman Catholic temple in Yaroslavl. Franciscan fathers serve in the church. The temple was founded in 1700 by Antoni Kwolka, a townsman from Jaros³aw, Franciszek and Eufrozyna Zawadzcy.
4.2 miSEChurchGreckokatolicka cerkiew konkatedralna Przemienia Pańskiego, Jarosław
107 min walk • Transfiguration Church in Yaroslavl - The Greek Catholic church in Yaroslavl was built in 1717-1747, then rebuilt in 1911-1912, and is the main pilgrimage center for Polish Uniates.