Trek Zone

Synagoga w Międzyrzeczu, Międzyrzecz

#2 among attractions in Międzyrzecz

Synagoga w Międzyrzeczu

Facts and practical information

Synagogue in Miedzyrzecz - a synagogue located in Miedzyrzecz at today's Piotr Skargi Street 4, formerly known as Żydowska Street.

Alternative names: Coordinates: 52°26'41"N, 15°34'47"E

2 Piotra SkargiMiędzyrzecz Poland

Social media
Day trips

Synagoga w Międzyrzeczu – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen, Międzyrzecz Castle, Rezerwat Nietoperek, Kreis Meseritz.

  • festungsfront oder warthe bogen6.3 miSW
  • miedzyrzecz castle~1650 ftW
  • rezerwat nietoperek5.3 miSW
  • kreis meseritz miedzyrzecz location map
    ~560 ftW

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Synagoga w Międzyrzeczu?

Nearby attractions include Kreis Meseritz, Międzyrzecz (3 min walk), Międzyrzecz Castle, Międzyrzecz (8 min walk).

Where to next? Visit lubusz Lubusz region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Poland.