Trek Zone

Zavolzhsky District, Kostroma

#11 among attractions in Kostroma

Zavolzhsky District location map

Facts and practical information

Coordinates: 57°46'0"N, 40°55'60"E

Kostroma Russia

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Day trips

Zavolzhsky District – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Museum of Nature, Church of the Resurrection, Theophany Convent, Kostromskoj gosudarstvennyj istoriko-arhitekturnyj i hudozestvennyj muzej-zapovednik.

  • museum of nature kostroma~1920 ftW
  • church of the resurrection kostroma0.9 miSE
  • theophany convent kostroma0.5 miNW
  • kostromskoj gosudarstvennyj istoriko arhitekturnyj i hudozestvennyj muzej zapovednik kostroma~1260 ftNW
  • pozarnaa kalanca kostroma~1650 ftNW
  • kostroma gostiny dvor~1360 ftW
  • pamatnik ivanu susaninu kostroma~1650 ftW
  • znamenskij zenskij monastyr kostroma1 miSE

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Zavolzhsky District?

Nearby attractions include Kostromskoj gosudarstvennyj istoriko-arhitekturnyj i hudozestvennyj muzej-zapovednik, Kostroma (7 min walk), Kostroma Gostiny Dvor, Kostroma (7 min walk), Pozarnaa kalanca, Kostroma (8 min walk), Pamatnik Ivanu Susaninu, Kostroma (8 min walk).

Where to next? Visit kostroma Kostroma region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Russia.