Facts About Doljanchi
Dol, or doljanchi, is a cherished Korean tradition that celebrates a baby's first birthday, wishing them a prosperous future. During this ceremony, the baby is adorned in traditional attire and a special hat, akin to the Chinese Zhuazhou ritual. Historically, this milestone held particular significance due to high child mortality rates. The entire village would gather to wish the baby a long life and good fortune.
A key highlight of the celebration is the doljabi custom. In this tradition, the baby selects an object from an array of items, each thought to predict their future path. While the specific items have evolved over time, they often include objects such as brushes, money, and food.
Guests bring various gifts, including money, clothes, or gold rings for the child. Food plays a central role in the celebration, with traditional dishes like seaweed soup and rice cakes symbolizing prosperity and gratitude. Nowadays, doljanchi celebrations often occur in buffet restaurants or wedding halls, where guests can enjoy games and activities with opportunities to win prizes. A modern twist includes guests placing bets on which item the baby will choose during the doljabi game.