Trek Zone

Seokguram, Bukhansan National Park

#2 among attractions in Bukhansan National Park

Seokguram location map

Facts and practical information

Seokguram is a place located in Bukhansan National Park (Gyeonggi-do province) and belongs to the category of sightseeing.

It is situated at an altitude of 735 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 37°43'17"N latitude and 127°1'34"E longitude.

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Uijeongbu Music Theatre Festival, Uijeongbu (concerts and shows, 25 min walk), Uijeongbu City Hall Station, Uijeongbu (city hall, 32 min walk), Sinsegebaeghwajeom uijeongbujeom, Uijeongbu (shopping centre, 40 min walk).

Coordinates: 37°43'17"N, 127°1'34"E

Bukhansan National Park South Korea

Social media
Day trips

Seokguram – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Dobongsan, Doseonsa, Onggi Folk Museum, 4.19 Memorial Cemetery.

  • dobongsan seoul1.6 miS
  • doseonsa seoul location map
    5 miSW
  • onggi folk museum seoul location map
    4.7 miS
  • 4 19 memorial cemetery seoul location map
    5.1 miS
  • yangju uijeongbu4.5 miN
  • bukhansan seoul4.5 miSW
  • suraksan seoul3.5 miSE
  • nowon district seoul4.9 miS
  • uijeongbu city hall station location map
    1.2 miN
  • uijeongbu music theatre festival location map
    0.9 miNE
  • cheonbosan uijeongbu location map
    3.9 miNE

Where to next? Visit gyeonggi do Gyeonggi-do region page or discover the top tourist attractions in South Korea.