Trek Zone

Carretera de la Grama, Los Cancajos

#6 among attractions in Los Cancajos

Carretera de la Grama

Facts and practical information

Carretera de la Grama is a place located in Los Cancajos (Canary Islands autonomous community) and belongs to the category of bridge.

It is situated at an altitude of 427 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 28°39'31"N latitude and 17°46'12"W longitude.

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Dragos (tree, 12 min walk), Playa de Los Guinchos (beach, 12 min walk), Hypermercado La Grama, Breña Alta (shopping centre, 16 min walk).

Coordinates: 28°39'31"N, 17°46'12"W

Los Cancajos Spain

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Day trips

Carretera de la Grama – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Playa los Cancajos, Playa de Bajamar, Museo del Puro Palmero, Iglesia de San José.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Carretera de la Grama?

Nearby attractions include Dragos, Los Cancajos (12 min walk), Playa de Los Guinchos, Los Cancajos (12 min walk), Playa los Cancajos, Los Cancajos (17 min walk), Playa de Bajamar, Breña Alta (22 min walk).

Where to next? Visit canary islands Canary Islands region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Spain.