Facts About Jellied veal
Jellied veal is a cherished cold cut dish in Sweden, particularly popular during the Christmas season. This traditional delicacy is typically made from veal, although pork can also be used, combined with stock, onions, and a blend of spices such as allspice, bay leaf, and white pepper.
Served chilled, jellied veal is frequently enjoyed with potatoes, pickled beetroot, or on crispbread. It is a staple of the Swedish Christmas smorgasbord, contributing a distinct flavor and texture to the festive assortment.
To prepare jellied veal, the meat is simmered in salted water until it becomes tender. It is then finely chopped and mixed with stock, before being left to cool and set in a container until it achieves a jelly-like consistency. This dish is a treasured part of Swedish culinary tradition, adding a touch of heritage and festivity to holiday meals.