Facts About Winter melon punch
Winter melon punch, often referred to as winter melon tea in East Asia, is a cherished sweet drink with a distinctive flavor. It enjoys particular popularity in Taiwan, where it is widely available in stores and from street vendors. The drink is both simple and economical to prepare, making it a staple both at home and in the streets.
In China, winter melon tea is believed to help combat the heat and assist with weight loss, earning it the nickname "slim tea."
The process of making winter melon punch is straightforward. Begin by peeling, slicing, and deseeding the winter melon. Next, boil the slices in water along with brown sugar and caramel for several hours. After boiling, strain out any impurities and let the mixture cool. The beverage can be refrigerated, canned, or even dehydrated into cubes for sale. Additionally, a sugar-free version is available for individuals with kidney concerns or diabetes, which involves boiling only the melon slices in water.
In Taiwan, you will find numerous variations of winter melon punch. Some people like to add lemon juice, oolong tea, or other beverages to create unique drinks or cocktails. Street vendors often incorporate extras like tapioca balls, nata de coco, or tangyuan, transforming the drink into a snack served in bowls. This versatile beverage offers a range of flavors and textures to suit everyone's taste.