Best Places to Visit Near Tongatapu
Visit some of the best attractions in the vicinity of Tongatapu with hundreds to choose from to make your perfect day out or weekend break away. Browse the below list featuring some of the best destinations (such as Nukuʻalofa, Kolonga, ʻEua) or select map view to search geographically.
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- Distance
- 25 miles
- 50 miles
- 75 miles
- 100 miles
Cities and Localities Near Tongatapu
Where to go for a weekend trip near Tongatapu? A list of surrounding cities, towns and villages nearby or close to the suburbs of Tongatapu within a 50 mile radius.
2.9 miN
11 milesE
22 milesSE
TOP Attractions
Best Day Trips from Tongatapu
Attractions Best Day Trips from Tongatapu
3.1 miNRoyal Palace
Nukuʻalofa, Tonga
10 milesEHaʻamonga ʻa Maui Kolonga, Tonga
2.8 miNFree Church of Tonga Nukuʻalofa, Tonga
2.9 miNESt. Mary's Cathedral Nukuʻalofa, Tonga
2.7 miNBasilica of St. Anthony of Padua Nukuʻalofa, Tonga
2.8 miNMalaʻekula Nukuʻalofa, Tonga
43 milesNHunga Tonga Tonga
3 miNTonga National Museum Nukuʻalofa, Tonga
2.6 miNChurch of Tonga Nukuʻalofa, Tonga
2.3 miSESeventh-day Adventist Church in Tonga Kolonga, Tonga
4.7 miNEPangaimotu Nukuʻalofa, Tonga
25 milesSE'Eua National Park Tonga