Chester, United Kingdom

Chester Travel Guide

Trek Zone

Facts and practical information

Alternative names: Population: 90.5 thous.Area: 9.11 mi²Elevation: 105 ft a.s.l.Coordinates: 53°11'26"N, 2°53'24"W

EnglandUnited Kingdom

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Chester Top Attractions

Chester Attractions - What to See and Explore

Chester offers many attractions and places to visit. Here are the most important ones: Deva Victrix, Chester Zoo, Chester Cathedral, Chester Racecourse. Below you will find a complete list of places worth visiting.

  • deva victrix chester
  • chester zoo
  • chester cathedral
  • chester racecourse
  • oakfield manor chester
  • chester castle
  • eastgate clock chester
  • st john the baptists church chester
  • st marys church chester
  • chester roman amphitheatre
  • grosvenor bridge chester
  • grosvenor park chester
  • chester town hall
  • chester war memorial
  • chester city walls
  • storyhouse chester
  • cheshire military museum chester
  • st james church chester
  • old dee bridge chester

Chester plan & book

Unleash the traveler in you — discover the cheapest flight deals, find the perfect hotel or hostel nearby, and search for the best car rental prices. Travel at your own pace to discover new places and enjoy your journey.

Things to See and Do in Chester by Category

Sights, interesting and unusual places and attractions valued by most tourists. See the list of places to visit in Chester.





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Historical place

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John Douglas

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Concerts and shows
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Day trips

Chester – popular in the area (distance from the center)

In the vicinity of Chester, it's worth seeing attractions such as: Church Street (Liverpool), Bold Street (Liverpool), Mathew Street (Liverpool).

  • church street liverpool15 milesN
  • bold street liverpool15 milesN
  • mathew street liverpool15 milesN
  • tate liverpool15 milesN
  • world museum liverpool16 milesN

Best Time To Visit Chester

Learn when is the best time to travel to Chester weather-wise and what to expect in each season.

Popularity among visitors


May, June and July are the busiest months in this location. Many people also choose to visit in September.

Average temperatures in °F


The highest air temperature is in June, July and August. While the coldest is in January and February.

Monthly rainfall in inches


The lowest rainfall is recorded in February. Most of it rains in September, October, November and December.

Length of day in hours


We can expect the longest days in June, while the shortest in December.


Best Ways to Experience the City

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the top attractions to visit in Chester?

What is the best time to visit Chester?

May, June and July are the busiest months in this location. Many people also choose to visit in September. The highest air temperature is in June, July and August. While the coldest is in January and February.

Where to next? Visit england England region page or discover the top tourist attractions in United Kingdom.