
Argentina Climate

Trek Zone

When Is the Best Time To Visit Argentina?

The answer to the question of what is the best month to visit Argentina depends on what you are interested in doing during your stay. Here you can see an overview of each month and its typical weather conditions.

Climate of Argentina

With its large meridional extension and varied terrain, Argentina has several climate zones and four seasons. Summer lasts from December to February, autumn from March to May, winter from June to August and spring from September to November.

We can distinguish several areas with different climates and weather patterns.

The northern region (the Gran Chaco area) and the northeastern region (the Argentine Intercostal) have a subtropical climate with hot and humid summers and mild winters. Temperatures in the warmest months reach 24°C - 28°C, and in the coolest 11°C - 16°C. Precipitation ranges from 1,500 mm.

The La Plata lowlands stretching from north to south over 2,000 km and the eastern areas (the Pampa area) also lie in a subtropical climate zone, characterized by warm summers (around 24°C) and mild winters (above 10°C). Average precipitation amounts oscillate between 500 mm and 1,000 mm and are evenly distributed throughout the year.

The northwestern regions encompassing the Puna de Atacama volcanic plateau are characterized by a tropical, hot and extremely dry climate. There is scanty rainfall (about 50 mm) and periodic droughts. Daytime temperatures reach 25°C - 35°C while at night they can drop below 0°C.

The western part of the country is occupied by the mountainous areas of the Cordillera and Patagonian Andes. This region is characterized by climatic stratification and high rainfall ranging from 2,000 mm to 6,000 mm (near Lake Paimún). The highest parts of the Andes have a cold frigid climate not unlike that of the polar zone. Many areas have perpetual snow, which is associated with year-round sub-zero temperatures.

The central and southern parts of Argentina are occupied by the Patagonian highlands, which have a cool temperate climate. It is characterized by relatively warm summers, where temperatures reach up to 18°C. Winter, on the other hand, is cold, with thermometers dropping to 0°C, and snowfall may also occur. A common occurrence is the cold and dry "Pampero" wind, lowering the temperature even further. Precipitation in this area is not abundant, amounting to about 200 mm per year.

The southernmost area is the Fire Land, where the climate is subpolar. The average temperature oscillates around 8°C. Precipitation ranges from 400 mm to 500 mm in the northeastern part, and up to 2,000 mm in the southwest. They are the result of the influx of very humid air masses from the Pacific Ocean and the activity of a cool sea current called the "West Wind Current." The highest parts of the area, averaging above 700 meters above sea level, are covered by glaciers and patches of perpetual snow.

Temperature records


Valle de los Patos Superior, San Juan


Villa de María, Córdoba Province

Climate and Average Weather in Argentina

General weather conditions each month by city.

  • Buenos Aires
  • Ushuaia
  • San Carlos de Bariloche
  • Mendoza
  • Salta
  • +
  • Iguazu Falls
Average temperature (°F)
Average rainfall (in)
RAIN - Days with precipitation
DAY - Average length of day
SUN - Sunshine hours per day (cloudless weather)

Weather Map

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Buenos AiresUshuaiaSan Carlos de BarilocheMendozaSaltaIguazu Falls

The icons next to the month name indicate the convenience of the date for visiting the selected area/territory/ country. They are only a suggestion and should not be used as the final criterion for selecting your travel date. The season is defined as the time period with the weather favorable for sightseeing (or sunbathing - small island countries) for the average tourist. For countries with a large geographical range, the most touristic places were included.

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