Trek Zone

Country Facts:
Mexico vs. Angola

Learn about the similarities and differences between Mexico and Angola by reviewing data on key indicators such as population, economy, energy, religion, language and many other relevant factors.

Country #1
Country #2


Mexico vs. Angola - comparison of geographical features.

Country area

The surface area of Mexico is 758 449 mi², while the surface area of Angola is 481 354 mi². This means that the area of Mexico is 57.57% larger.

Statistics: Countries of the World Compared by Area
758 449 mi²
481 354 mi²

Coastline length

Mexico has a coastline of 5 797.4 mi, while Angola has a coastline of 994.2 mi.

5 797.4 mi
994.2 mi

Largest city

The largest city in Mexico is Mexico City, with a population of about 8 851 080 people. In contrast, the largest city in Angola is Luanda, where the population is 2 825 310.

8 851 080 ppl
2 825 310 ppl

Highest peak

The highest peak in Mexico is Volcán Citlaltépetl (Pico de Orizaba), its height is 18 491 ft. The highest peak in Angola is Morro de Môco, which rises to a height of 8 596 ft.

18 491 ft
Volcán Citlaltépetl (Pico de Orizaba)
8 596 ft
Morro de Môco

Highest recorded temperature

San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora

Lowest recorded temperature

Rancho Los Lamentos, Chihuahua


Mexico vs. Angola - comparison of aspects of social life.


The population of Mexico is about 128 932 753, while Angola is home to 32 866 272 people.

Statistics: World Population by Country
128 932 753 ppl
32 866 272 ppl

Life expectancy

Life expectancy is 76.9 years in Mexico and 61.7 years in Angola.

76.9 years
61.7 years

Average age

The average age is 29.3 years in Mexico and 15.9 years in Angola.

29.3 years
15.9 years


The birth rate is 1.04% in Mexico and 3.38% in Angola.



Literacy is 95.2% in Mexico and 71.1% in Angola.



In Mexico, the main language is Spanish, and in Angola the primary language is Portuguese.



In Mexico, the main religion is Christianity; in Angola, the main religion is Indigenous Traditional Religions.

indigenous traditional religions


Foreign tourists in 2015

32 093 000 ppl
Ranking: 10/174
592 000 ppl
Ranking: 119/174


GDP per capita

Mexico: 18 794 Int$. Angola: 6 443 Int$.

18 794 Int$
Ranking: 73/194
6 443 Int$
Ranking: 135/194


Mexico: Mexican Peso (MXN). Angola: Kwanza (AOA).

Tools: Currency Calculator
Mexican Peso

Practical information


Electricity in Mexico: frequency and voltage are 127V 60 Hz (plug type: A, B). Electricity in Angola: frequency and voltage are 220V 50 Hz (plug type: C).

127V 60 Hz
Plug type: A, B
220V 50 Hz
Plug type: C

Driving side

Mexico has right-hand traffic, Angola has right-hand traffic.

right-hand traffic
right-hand traffic

Useful when traveling


Best months to visit

The best months in terms of weather are: Mexico - January, February, March, December; Angola - June, July, August.

Traveler's essential: Tourist Season Around the World

Safety level

Scale from 1 (safe) to 4 (unsafe)
Traveler's essential: Travel Safety Map
Exercise a high degree of caution
Level 2
Exercise a high degree of caution
Level 2

Visa requirements

For citizens of United States (Settings → Your Country)
Traveler's essential: With or Without a Visa?
Visa not required
A visa is not required.
Visa obtained online
A visa is required, but can be obtained through the relevant website.

Expected daily budget for 1 person

B - backpacker's budget 1
T - tourist's budget 3
B29 USD - 38 USD
T87 USD - 135 USD
T135 USD


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