Facts About Danbo
Danbo is a delightful, semi-soft cheese made from cow's milk that originates from Denmark. It achieved the prestigious Protected Designation of Origin status in 2017. This cheese is typically aged for a period ranging from 12 to 52 weeks, forming in rectangular blocks. During its maturation, it is coated with a special bacterial culture that is washed off before it reaches the market.
Danbo comes in various forms, each appealing to different palates. For instance, there's Lillebror, which is mild and perfect for children or those who prefer a gentler flavor. On the other end of the spectrum, there's Gamle Ole, aged longer and offering a sharper, more robust taste. This version is often enjoyed with onions and meat aspic on bread. Certain varieties of Danbo even include caraway seeds for a traditional twist.
Interestingly, in the early 1900s, Danish immigrants in Brazil encountered a cheese similar to Danbo, made with local Brazilian milk. This cheese, known as Queijo prato, is a testament to how Danish culinary traditions have influenced cuisines around the world.