Facts About Barbari bread
Barbari bread is a delectable type of Iranian flatbread, renowned for being one of the thickest flatbreads available. In the U.S. and Canada, it is often referred to as Persian flatbread. The name "Barbari" originates from an old Persian term for the Hazara people, who reside in the Khorasan region of Iran. This bread was initially made by the Hazaras and introduced to Tehran during the Qajar dynasty. Although the Hazaras are no longer referred to as "Barbari" the bread retains the name "nan-e barbari" in Iran and is called "nan-e tanoori" among the Hazaras. Iranian Azeris hold a particular fondness for this bread.
Barbari bread typically measures about 70 to 80 cm in length and 25 to 30 cm in width, making it a staple in Iranian bakeries. It is frequently served in restaurants with Lighvan cheese, a ewe's milk cheese that is quite similar to feta.