Facts About Irish breakfast tea
Irish Breakfast Tea is a cherished blend of black teas, typically combining Assam and Ceylon varieties. Some of the renowned brands offering this blend include Barry's, Bewley's, Lyons, and Robert Roberts in the Republic of Ireland, and Nambarrie's and Thompson's Punjana in Northern Ireland.
This tea was introduced to Ireland in the mid-18th century. Initially a luxury for the upper classes, it gradually became a household staple. Today, it is an integral part of Irish tea culture, with the Irish ranking among the highest consumers of tea globally.
Known for its robust flavor, Irish Breakfast Tea is often enjoyed with milk, reflecting Ireland's rich dairy tradition. However, it can also be savored black or sweetened with sugar or honey. This tea is distinguished by its strong taste, high caffeine content, and rich red color. It is a versatile beverage, suitable for any time of the day. The tea leaves are sourced from India, Rwanda, and Kenya, with African varieties adding a refreshing note to the blend.
Irish Breakfast Tea is available in convenient tea bags or as loose leaf, allowing you to appreciate the quality of the tea leaves. When brewed, the tea can range in color from a deep red to a rich brown, making it as visually appealing as it is delicious.