Trek Zone

Beit Jimal, Beit Shemesh

#2 among attractions in Beit Shemesh

Beit Jimal

Facts and practical information

Local name: בית ג'מאל Coordinates: 31°43'31"N, 34°58'34"E

Beit Shemesh Israel

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Day trips

Beit Jimal – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Avshalom Cave, Biblical Museum of Natural History, Zorah, Valley of Elah.

  • avshalom cave beit shemesh3.4 miNE
  • biblical museum of natural history beit shemesh location map
    2.3 miNE
  • tel tzora beit shemesh location map
    3.5 miN
  • valley of elah2.8 miSW
  • adullam5.1 miS
  • israel police heritage centre beit shemesh location map
    1.4 miNW
  • scroll of fire5.1 miNE
  • aderet4.6 miS
  • khirbet tibnah beit shemesh1.5 miNE
  • big fashion bet shemesh beit shemesh location map
    2.3 miN
  • big beit shemesh location map
    2.3 miN

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