Facts About Jāņi cheese
Jāņi cheese is a cherished Latvian sour milk cheese, especially enjoyed during Jāņi, the vibrant Latvian summer solstice celebration. Over the years, it has become a significant symbol of Latvian culture. Recognizing its cultural importance, it was added to the European Council's Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) register on November 16, 2015.
Currently, five manufacturers meet the TSG criteria and can proudly label their product as Jāņi cheese. This special cheese is crafted from raw quark and fresh milk, often with the addition of caraway seeds for a distinctive flavor.
The process of making Jāņi cheese is quite traditional and involves several key steps. First, the milk is heated and quark is added. The mixture is then cooked until curds form, after which the whey is discarded. Next, any additional ingredients are mixed in, the mixture is shaped into a ball, and it is drained in cheesecloth. Finally, the cheese is left to ripen before it is ready to be enjoyed.
Whether you are celebrating Jāņi or simply looking to try a unique and delicious cheese, Jāņi cheese offers a delightful taste of Latvian heritage.