Facts About Drawbridge in Nieuw Amsterdam (F1098)
Vincent van Gogh's watercolor painting, "Drawbridge in Nieuw-Amsterdam" was created in November 1883 while he was residing in Drente, Netherlands. The inspiration for this piece came from a view right outside his room in Nieuw-Amsterdam, which he eagerly described to his brother, Theo. Van Gogh found the drawbridge particularly intriguing and even sketched it in a letter to Theo. This preliminary sketch eventually evolved into the watercolor painting we are discussing.
Van Gogh was quite fond of watercolors, creating a total of 148 pieces in this medium. He appreciated how watercolors could convey atmosphere and depth, making the figures in his paintings appear enveloped by air.
Fast forward five years to 1888, and Van Gogh painted another bridge, "Langlois Bridge at Arles" this time in France. The mood of this later work is noticeably lighter compared to the one he painted in Nieuw-Amsterdam.