Facts About Pyry z gzikiem
Pyry z gzikiem (known as pyry z gziką in southern Greater Poland) is a traditional fasting dish from the Greater Poland region, comprising potatoes (called pyry in the Poznań dialect) and gzik, a seasoned cottage cheese (referred to as twaróg or ser biały in other parts of Poland, particularly Mazovia).
The potatoes are typically boiled in their skins. The dish is often seasoned with cream, salt, pepper, and oil, commonly linseed oil. It likely originated in the first half of the 19th century when potatoes became widely available in Greater Poland.
According to E. Kierski, pyry z gzikiem (potatoes with gzik) was among the staple peasant dishes in the latter half of the 19th century in parts of Greater Poland, consumed daily for breakfast during one half of the year and for lunch during the other half.
The dish can also be prepared with peeled potatoes or even bread instead of potatoes in their skins. It is served in restaurants throughout Greater Poland.