Trek Zone

Monastery Church, Sighișoara

#1 among attractions in Sighișoara

Church, Historical place
Monastery Church

Facts and practical information

Alternative names: Coordinates: 46°13'11"N, 24°47'37"E

Strada CetățiiSighișoara 545400 Romania

Social media
Day trips

Monastery Church – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Iron Smiths' Tower, Clock Tower, Sighișoara Citadel, Holy Trinity Church.

  • iron smiths tower sighisoara location map
    ~120 ftSE
  • clock tower sighisoara~150 ftS
  • sighisoara citadel~260 ftW
  • holy trinity church sighisoara~1000 ftNE
  • the hill church sighisoara~1060 ftSW
  • tin smiths tower sighisoara~560 ftSW
  • rope makers tower sighisoara~1150 ftSW
  • vlad dracul house sighisoara~300 ftN
  • covered staircase sighisoara~710 ftSW
  • cornesti church sighisoara0.7 miW
  • art sighisoara~150 ftW

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Monastery Church?

Nearby attractions include Iron Smiths' Tower, Sighișoara (1 min walk), Clock Tower, Sighișoara (1 min walk), Art, Sighișoara (1 min walk), Sighișoara Citadel, Sighișoara (2 min walk).

Where to next? Visit mures Mureș region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Romania.

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