Region Ilfov
Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.
Must-Visit Places and Tourist Attractions
Palatul Mogoșoaia
18th-century estate and public parkSnagov Palace
Lake Snagov Snagov
Chiajna Bucharest
Corbeanca Buftea
Măgurele Bucharest
Popești-Leordeni Bucharest
Snagov Monastery Snagov
Mogoșoaia Bucharest
Voluntari Bucharest
Pantelimon Bucharest
Otopeni Bucharest
Afumați Bucharest
Lake Dâmbovița Bucharest
Danube–Bucharest Canal Bucharest
Mănăstirea Ortodoxă Cernica Bucharest
Ferma animalelor Bucharest
Biserica Ortodoxă „Sfântul Eftimie - Fundenii Doamnei” Bucharest
Pipera Bucharest
Fundeni Bucharest