Facts About Bon bon chicken
Bon bon chicken, more commonly known as bang bang chicken, is a cherished dish within Chinese cuisine with a fascinating history. The name "bang bang chicken" derives from the method used to prepare the chicken—tenderizing it with a stick or hammer.
Legend has it that during the Ming and Qing dynasties, a chef in Ya'an was experimenting with various culinary techniques and discovered a method to make chicken meat and broth exceptionally aromatic. At that time, chicken was considered a luxury and was typically reserved for holidays. To make it more accessible, the chef began slicing whole chickens into thin pieces and selling them individually.
However, achieving uniform slices was a challenge. The solution? Beating the chicken with a stick to ensure even slices and to thoroughly infuse the meat with flavor. The rhythmic sound of the stick striking the chicken, followed by the knife slicing through it, is what inspired the dish's name—"bang bang chicken."
Due to its unique preparation method and delectable taste, bang bang chicken has become a beloved dish enjoyed by many today.