Trek Zone

Sankt Jakob in Haus

#1880 among destinations in Austria

Sankt Jakob in Haus location map

Facts and practical information

Local name: St. Jakob in Haus Population: ~790 ppl (2019)Area: 3.71 mi²Coordinates: 47°30'3"N, 12°33'40"E


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Day trips

Sankt Jakob in Haus – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Pillersee, Wildseeloderhaus, Wildseeloder, Alpensportbad St. Ulrich am Pillersee.

  • pillersee sankt ulrich am pillersee2.7 miN
  • wildseeloderhaus4.9 miS
  • wildseeloder5 miS
  • alpensportbad st ulrich am pillersee sankt ulrich am pillersee2 miN
  • lauchsee fieberbrunn2.4 miSW
  • lofer mountains5 miNE
  • wiesensee2.2 miE
  • grosses ochsenhorn5.3 miNE
  • leukental6.3 miNW
  • pillersee valley sankt ulrich am pillersee2.6 miN
  • festung pass strub7.4 miNE

Where to next? Visit tyrol Tyrol region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Austria.