Best Places to Visit Near Hamilton
Visit some of the best attractions in the vicinity of Hamilton with hundreds to choose from to make your perfect day out or weekend break away. Browse the below list featuring some of the best destinations (such as Saint George, Flatts Village, Horseshoe Bay Beach) or select map view to search geographically.
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- Distance
- 25 miles
- 50 miles
- 75 miles
- 100 miles
Cities and Localities Near Hamilton
Where to go for a weekend trip near Hamilton? A list of surrounding cities, towns and villages nearby or close to the suburbs of Hamilton within a 50 mile radius.
8.7 miNE
Saint GeorgeTown
3.5 miNE
Flatts VillageLocality
3.1 miSW
Horseshoe Bay BeachLocality
3.7 miNW
Ireland IslandIsland
6.2 miNE
Tucker's TownLocality
3.7 miE
Smith's ParishLocality
TOP Attractions
Best Day Trips from Hamilton
Attractions Best Day Trips from Hamilton
5.7 miNECrystal Cave 9.5 miNESt David's Battery 8.6 miNEHistoric Town of St George and Related Fortifications 9.3 miNEFort Victoria
5.9 miNEMid Ocean Club Bermuda
9.3 miNEFort St. Catherine Saint George, Bermuda
3.8 miNWSnorkel Park Ireland Island, Bermuda
3.7 miNWRoyal Naval Dockyard Ireland Island, Bermuda
4 miSWGibbs Hill Lighthouse Horseshoe Bay Beach, Bermuda
5.5 miWSomerset Bridge Bermuda
9.2 miNESt. David's Lighthouse Bermuda
2.8 miNEVerdmont Smith's Parish, Bermuda
8.7 miNESt. Peter's Church Saint George, Bermuda
8.8 miNEFeatherbed Alley Printshop Saint George, Bermuda
1.2 miEBermuda Botanical Gardens Bermuda
4.7 miNECrystal Cave Bermuda
3.5 miNENational Museum of Bermuda Flatts Village, Bermuda
3.1 miWGreat Sound Horseshoe Bay Beach, Bermuda
6.4 miNEThe Causeway Bermuda
3.4 miNETown Hill Flatts Village, Bermuda
8.2 miNESt. George's Island Saint George, Bermuda
3.7 miNWCommisioner's House Ireland Island, Bermuda
3.7 miNWDolphin Quest Bermuda Ireland Island, Bermuda
5 miNEMangrove Lake Flatts Village, Bermuda
Saint George, Bermuda
8.5 miNESt. George's Harbour Saint George, Bermuda
1.5 miEHungry Bay Nature Reserve Bermuda
6.8 miNECastle Harbour Bermuda
3.7 miESpittal Pond Nature Reserve Bermuda
4.3 miSWLittle Sound Horseshoe Bay Beach, Bermuda
0.8 miSEPaget Marsh Nature Reserve Bermuda
7.8 miNESt. David's Island Saint George, Bermuda
7.5 miNECastle Roads Tucker's Town, Bermuda
8.9 miNESmith's Island Saint George, Bermuda
9.2 miNEPaget Island Saint George, Bermuda
Saint George, Bermuda
9.3 miNEHorseshoe Bay Beach Saint George, Bermuda
8 miNENonsuch Island Saint George, Bermuda
6.1 miNEConey Island Saint George, Bermuda