
Brazil Climate

Trek Zone

When Is the Best Time To Visit Brazil?

The answer to the question of what is the best month to visit Brazil depends on what you are interested in doing during your stay. Here you can see an overview of each month and its typical weather conditions.

Climate of Brazil

Brazil, due to its large area and meridional extension, has a very diverse climate. Weather patterns are influenced by the location of individual regions, relief, and the action of sea currents and air masses.

We can distinguish several areas with different climatic zones.

The equatorial climate includes the Amazon Plain, virtually all of the north and much of central Brazil (including the northern coast). This area is characterized by high temperatures, remaining between 25°C and 32°C throughout the year. Influenced by the movement of both cold and hot air masses, there can be diurnal fluctuations, with hot days alternating with slightly cooler nights. Air humidity and precipitation are usually high. Rainfall averages 1,000 mm - 2,000 mm per year, in some places, especially in the western part of the lowlands it reaches 4,000 mm. Precipitation occurs virtually all year round, but its intensity is recorded from December to May.

A sub-equatorial climate is found in the Guyana Highlands and parts of the Brazilian Highlands. It is characterized by high temperatures and diurnal fluctuations. Days are decidedly warmer, while evenings and nights get cooler.

The northeastern part of the Brazilian Highlands and the state of Bahia lie within the dry variety of the sub-equatorial climate. Here temperatures range from 26°C to 28°C in the warmest months and about 20°C in the coolest. Precipitation is very sparse and generally amounts to no more than 800 mm. Periodic droughts may occur.

The Guyanese Highlands, the Pantanal Plain and the center of the Brazilian Highlands have a humid variety of sub-equatorial climate. Air temperatures are also high, but much more rainfall is recorded, about 1,500 mm. The rainy season lasts from October to March. On the Pantanal plain during the wet months, water accumulates and floods the entire plain. During the dry season, from April to September, the area dries out, forming savanna.

In contrast, the tropical climate covers the southern area of the Brazilian Highlands (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and the São Paulo city region). Here temperatures are slightly lower than in the areas discussed earlier. In the warmest month they reach no more than 25°C, and in the coolest they drop to 14°C - 16°C. Precipitation remains at 1,200 mm - 1,500 mm and occurs from June to September, along with cold winds ("Minuano") that lower temperatures.

The influence of subtropical climate is marked in the southern reaches of Brazil. Temperatures range from about 13°C in the coldest months to about 24°C in the warmest. Rainfall, on the other hand, is around 1,800 mm. These areas constitute a coastal region, lying within the zone of action of the Atlantic Ocean and the influx of dry and hot air masses ("veracinos"). These cause temperatures to rise up to 40 degrees Celsius between December and March. On the other hand, in the season from June to September, under the influence of cold air masses, days with frosts are recorded here.

Temperature records


Caçador, Santa Catarina


Bom Jesus, Piauí

Climate and Average Weather in Brazil

General weather conditions each month by city.

  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Brasilia
  • Fortaleza
  • Foz do Iguacu
  • Manaus
  • +
  • Sao Paulo
  • Salvador
  • Boa Vista
  • Tabatinga
  • Porto Velho
Average temperature (°F)
Average rainfall (in)
RAIN - Days with precipitation
DAY - Average length of day
SUN - Sunshine hours per day (cloudless weather)

Weather Map

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Switch places
Rio de JaneiroBrasiliaFortalezaFoz do IguacuManausSao PauloSalvadorBoa VistaTabatingaPorto Velho

The icons next to the month name indicate the convenience of the date for visiting the selected area/territory/ country. They are only a suggestion and should not be used as the final criterion for selecting your travel date. The season is defined as the time period with the weather favorable for sightseeing (or sunbathing - small island countries) for the average tourist. For countries with a large geographical range, the most touristic places were included.

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