Facts About Appetizing store
An appetizing store is a charming location, especially within Jewish cuisine, where you can find foods that pair perfectly with bagels. These delicacies, known as "appetizing" include dairy and parve (neither dairy nor meat) items such as lox, whitefish, and various cream cheese spreads. Typically enjoyed for breakfast or lunch, these foods adhere to Jewish dietary laws, meaning no meat products are sold (although kosher fish is permitted).
What distinguishes an appetizing store from a deli? It comes down to their offerings. An appetizing store specializes in fish and dairy products, whereas a delicatessen (or deli) primarily deals with meat. In a kosher deli, you will not find dairy products at all.
The term "appetizing store" is mostly heard within American Jewish communities, especially in cities like New York, where these shops serve neighborhoods with substantial Jewish populations. In Toronto, pareve and dairy restaurants often include "appetizers" in their names to emphasize their kosher or kosher-style offerings.
Occasionally, an appetizing store may be referred to as an "appy table" "appetizing table" or simply "appy" much like how "deli" is short for delicatessen. This delicious tradition adds a unique flavor to the community!