Facts About Cobb salad
The Cobb salad is a cherished American dish perfect for a hearty meal. It boasts an enticing blend of chopped salad greens, juicy tomatoes, crispy bacon, tender chicken breast, hard-boiled eggs, creamy avocado, fresh chives, tangy Roquefort cheese, and a zesty red-wine vinaigrette.
The salad's origins are the subject of intriguing anecdotes, with several accounts detailing its creation. One popular story traces back to 1937 at the Hollywood Brown Derby restaurant. Some attribute its invention to the owner, Robert Howard Cobb, while others credit his chef, Paul J. Posti. An alternative version points to executive chef Robert Kreis in 1929, who is said to have named the salad after Robert Cobb.
Traditionally, a Cobb salad includes a mix of iceberg lettuce, watercress, endive, and romaine lettuce. However, numerous variations exist, with some recipes incorporating different cheeses like cheddar or Monterey Jack.
The debate over its origin even permeated popular culture, with an episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" exploring the salad's history.
Regardless of its origins, the Cobb salad remains a delectable and iconic dish enjoyed by many.