Region Arica and Parinacota
Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.
Must-Visit Places and Tourist Attractions
Parinacota Volcano
Volcano with hiking and climbingSt. Mark's Cathedral
Chungará Lake Lauca
Playa El Laucho Arica
Former Arica Custom House Arica
Pomerape Lauca
MUSEOA Arqueologico San Miguel de Azapa Arica
Cotacotani Lake Lauca
Playa Brava Arica
Pukintika Las Vicuñas National Reserve
Guallatiri Lauca
Taapaca Lauca
Kimsa Chata Lauca
Arintica Las Vicuñas National Reserve
Canal Lauca Lauca
Umurata Lauca
Mercado Cabo Aroca Arica
Qullqi Warani Sajama National Park
Choquelimpie Las Vicuñas National Reserve
Lauca Volcano Lauca