Trek Zone

Region Magallanes

Discover the cities and interesting locations in the region that will enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, or picturesque surroundings.

punta arenas
Punta Arenas
torres del paine national park
Torres del Paine National Park
bernardo ohiggins national park
Bernardo O'Higgins National Park
alberto de agostini national park
Alberto de Agostini National Park
puerto natales
Puerto Natales
cape horn biosphere reserve
Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve
yendegaia national park
Yendegaia National Park
puerto williams cape horn biosphere reserve
Puerto Williams
alacalufes national reserve
Kawésqar National Park
navarino island cape horn biosphere reserve
Navarino Island
magdalena island
Magdalena Island
pali aike national park
Pali-Aike National Park
hornos island cabo de hornos national park
Hornos Island
hoste island alberto de agostini national park
Hoste Island
Show all (+5)

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