Trek Zone

Jeedimetla, Hyderabad

#121 among attractions in Hyderabad

Nature, Natural attraction, Lake

Facts and practical information

Elevation: 1811 ft a.s.l.Coordinates: 17°29'57"N, 78°27'30"E

Qutu-bullapur (Jeedimetla)Hyderabad India

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Day trips

Jeedimetla – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Balkampet Yellamma Temple, Fox Sagar Lake, Rythu Bazar, Alwal Lake.

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  • alwal3.3 miE
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  • snow world hyderabad1.8 miNE
  • bharat nagar hyderabad3 miSW
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Where to next? Visit telangana Telangana region page or discover the top tourist attractions in India.