Facts About Tzfat cheese
Tzfat cheese, a semi-hard and salty delight, originates from Israel's Safed region and has been a staple since 1840. Traditionally crafted from sheep's milk, this cheese carries the legacy of its original makers through generations. What distinguishes Tzfat cheese are its unique circular striations, elastic texture, and low-fat content.
The journey of making Tzfat cheese begins with pasteurizing the milk at a low temperature. Enzymes and calcium chloride are then added to curdle the milk, followed by a rapid fermentation process. The cheese is shaped and drained in baskets, which impart its characteristic round form.
In the kitchen, fresh Tzfat cheese excels in salads and sandwiches, adding a burst of flavor. The aged version, on the other hand, can be grated to enhance your baking or cooking, making it a versatile addition to your culinary repertoire.