Trek Zone

Sankt Franziskus, Mönchengladbach

#15 among attractions in Mönchengladbach

Sankt Franziskus

Facts and practical information

This list of Dominikus Böhm's buildings contains buildings and other realized projects for which the architect is named in the relevant literature as being responsible for planning, either alone or with others. There are overlaps in the late work of the architect with the work list of his son Gottfried Böhm, with whom he led the office together since 1948. Existing lists of works in the given literature differ in part from one another or do not distinguish between project designs and realized buildings; this list strives for the greatest possible completeness of all realized buildings.

Coordinates: 51°10'25"N, 6°27'46"E

5 FranziskusstraßeSüd (Bonnenbroich-Geneicken)Mönchengladbach Germany

+49 2166 20918
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Day trips

Sankt Franziskus – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Schloss Rheydt, Rheydt, Wohnkirche Rheydt, Jahnstadion.

  • schloss rheydt monchengladbach1 miNE
  • rheydt monchengladbach0.8 miSW
  • wohnkirche rheydt monchengladbach~1970 ftSW
  • jahnstadion monchengladbach location map
    0.5 miW

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Sankt Franziskus?

Nearby attractions include Wohnkirche Rheydt, Mönchengladbach (10 min walk), Rheydt, Mönchengladbach (20 min walk).

How to get to Sankt Franziskus by public transport?

The nearest stations to Sankt Franziskus:

  • Freiligrathstraße • Lines: 006 (5 min walk)
  • Memelstraße • Lines: 006 (6 min walk)

  • Rheydt Hauptbahnhof (32 min walk)

Where to next? Visit north rhine westphalia North Rhine-Westphalia region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Germany.