Trek Zone

Villa Marx, Herzberg

#2 among attractions in Herzberg

Villa Marx

Facts and practical information

The list of architectural monuments in Herzberg lists all architectural monuments in the municipality of Herzberg in Brandenburg and its districts. The basis is the publication of the state monument list as of December 31, 2020. The ground monuments are listed in the list of ground monuments in Herzberg.

Coordinates: 51°41'27"N, 13°14'17"E

8 Lausitzer StraßeHerzberg Germany

Social media
Day trips

Villa Marx – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: City Hall, Wunderstein, Kriegerdenkmal Germania.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Villa Marx?

Nearby attractions include Wunderstein, Herzberg (1 min walk), Kriegerdenkmal Germania, Herzberg (4 min walk), City Hall, Herzberg (5 min walk).

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