Hrubá veža, Tatra National Park

Facts and practical information
Hruba Turnia - an isolated, outstanding turnnia separating the Świstowa Valley and the Litworowa Valley in the Slovak part of the High Tatras. From the Wieliczka peak is separated by a deeply indent Litworowy Przehyba, through which the blue trail trail from Łysa Polana through the Biała Water Valley to Rohatka.
Hruba Turnia is a two-wheeled Turnia, its south-eastern tip is slightly higher than the not very outstanding north-west vertex. Two gaming depart from her: a short north-east of the character of a whistle mound, separated from the peak of a whistle passage, and a long northwest, in which there are several subordinate objects : Hruba Pass, Troist Turnia, Troist switch, Hruba Czuba task, Hruba Bench, intermediate Hruba Czuba, intermediate Hruba Bench, extreme Hruba Czuba, extreme Hruba Bench, Hruby Róg.
Hruby Róg is a jumper vertex, on it the ridge spreads to the south and northwest. In the north-west brain, Hrube and Dwójaki are located. In turn, from the ridge falling from Hrube Turnia to Litworowa Przehyba there is a second saddle - Wyżnia Litworowa Przehyba.
No marked hiking routes lead to the top of Hrube Turnia, it is only available to mountaineers. For them, the most interesting and most difficult is its southern wall falling towards the Litworowa Valley. It is about 200 m high, its cliffs are conducted several interesting climbing roads.
The name of Hrube Turnia and other objects in its massif comes from a massive shape. The first measurements of the Turnia height were made in 1895-1897 as part of the Austrian carding, they gave a result of 2096 m. In publications from the second half of the 20th century one of two values was given: 2091 or 2086 m. The latest lidar measurements from 2018 determined the height of the top per 2089.4 m.
Tatra National Park
Hrubá veža – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)
Nearby attractions include: Gerlachovský štít, Batizovský štít, Gerlachovský štít, High Tatras.