Trek Zone

Historische Mikwe / Judenbad, Friedberg

#2 among attractions in Friedberg

Specialty museum, Museum
Historische Mikwe / Judenbad

Facts and practical information

The mikvah in Friedberg is the largest completely preserved medieval mikvah in Germany. Few large mikvahs have survived from this period. The Friedberg mikvah is also known as the Judenbad.

Coordinates: 50°20'22"N, 8°45'19"E

Judengasse 20Friedberg 61169 Germany

+49 6031 88215
Social media
Day trips

Historische Mikwe / Judenbad – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Stadtkirche 'Unserer Lieben Frau', Usa-Wellenbad, Römerkastell Kapersburg, Church of the Holy Spirit.

  • stadtkirche unserer lieben frau friedberg~950 ftS
  • usa wellenbad bad nauheim1.1 miN
  • romerkastell kapersburg5.6 miW
  • church of the holy spirit friedberg0.6 miS
  • theater am park bad nauheim2 miN
  • rosenmuseum bad nauheim4.2 miN
  • volkssternwarte wetterau bad nauheim2.2 miNW
  • rosbach vor der hohe3.9 miSW
  • reichelsheim location map
    5.2 miE

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Historische Mikwe / Judenbad?

Nearby attractions include Stadtkirche 'Unserer Lieben Frau', Friedberg (5 min walk), Church of the Holy Spirit, Friedberg (17 min walk).

Where to next? Visit hesse Hesse region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Germany.