Trek Zone

Chiesa Matrice di San Giorgio, Pizzo

#1 among attractions in Pizzo

Historical place, Church
Chiesa Matrice di San Giorgio

Facts and practical information

Chiesa Matrice di San Giorgio (address: Via G. Marconi, 13) is a place located in Pizzo (Calabria region) and belongs to the category of historical place, church.

It is situated at an altitude of 203 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 38°44'10"N latitude and 16°9'41"E longitude.

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: Maierato (locality, 74 min walk), Angitola Lake (nature, 110 min walk), Museo archeologico statale Vito Capialbi, Vibo Valentia (specialty museum, 137 min walk).

Coordinates: 38°44'10"N, 16°9'41"E

Via G. Marconi, 13Pizzo 89812 Italy

Social media
Day trips

Chiesa Matrice di San Giorgio – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Angitola Lake, Museo archeologico statale Vito Capialbi, Maierato.

  • angitola lake4.3 miE
  • museo archeologico statale vito capialbi vibo valentia5.4 miSW
  • maierato2.9 miSE

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