Trek Zone

Casa Rossa, Anacapri

#12 among attractions in Anacapri

Lunch, Dinner, Eat and drink, Restaurant, More...
Casa Rossa

Facts and practical information

Casa Rossa (address: Via Giuseppe Orlandi 78) is a place located in Anacapri (Campania region) and belongs to the category of lunch, dinner, eat and drink.

It is situated at an altitude of 942 feet, and its geographical coordinates are 40°33'18"N latitude and 14°13'8"E longitude.

Planning a visit to this place, one can easily and conveniently get there by public transportation. Casa Rossa is a short distance from the following public transport stations: Piazza della Pace (bus, 3 min walk), Marina Grande (train, 27 min walk).

Among other places and attractions worth visiting in the area are: San Michele Arcangelo (museum, 3 min walk), Chiesa di Santa Sofia (church, 4 min walk), Santa Maria di Costantinopoli (church, 5 min walk).

Coordinates: 40°33'18"N, 14°13'8"E

Via Giuseppe Orlandi 78Anacapri 80071 Italy

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Day trips

Casa Rossa – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Blue Grotto, Marina Piccola, Grotta Verde, Villa San Michele.

  • blue grotto anacapri0.8 miNW
  • marina piccola capri1.1 miSE
  • grotta verde capri location map
    1.1 miS
  • villa san michele anacapri~1950 ftNE
  • cimitero acattolico capri0.9 miE
  • monte solaro anacapri~1960 ftSE
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    0.4 miE
  • marina grande capri1.1 miE
  • chiesa di santa sofia anacapri~640 ftSW
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    1.2 miSW
  • saint michael the archangel church anacapri~490 ftW

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which popular attractions are close to Casa Rossa?

Nearby attractions include San Michele Arcangelo, Anacapri (3 min walk), Chiesa di Santa Sofia, Anacapri (4 min walk), Santa Maria di Costantinopoli, Anacapri (5 min walk), Villa San Michele di Axel Munthe, Anacapri (10 min walk).

How to get to Casa Rossa by public transport?

The nearest stations to Casa Rossa:

  • Piazza della Pace (3 min walk)
  • Marina Grande (26 min walk)

  • Marina Grande (27 min walk)

Where to next? Visit campania Campania region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Italy.