Best Places to Visit Near Angra do Heroísmo
Visit some of the best attractions in the vicinity of Angra do Heroísmo with hundreds to choose from to make your perfect day out or weekend break away. Browse the below list featuring some of the best destinations (such as Terceira Island, Praia da Vitória, São Jorge Island) or select map view to search geographically.
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Cities and Localities Near Angra do Heroísmo
Where to go for a weekend trip near Angra do Heroísmo? A list of surrounding cities, towns and villages nearby or close to the suburbs of Angra do Heroísmo within a 50 mile radius.
4.7 miN
Terceira IslandIsland
10 milesNE
Praia da VitóriaLocality
44 milesW
São Jorge IslandIsland
TOP Attractions
Best Day Trips from Angra do Heroísmo
Attractions Best Day Trips from Angra do Heroísmo
10 milesNEPraia dos Oficiais
Praia da Vitória, Portugal
43 milesWChurch of Santa Catarina São Jorge Island, Portugal
47 milesNWTermas Portugal
6.2 miEGruta das Agulhas Terceira Island, Portugal
4.5 miECabras Islets Portugal
46 milesWPico da Esperança São Jorge Island, Portugal
9.5 miNEPraia da Riviera Portugal
4.1 miEGruta Brisa Azul Portugal
7.6 miNWSerra de Santa Bárbara Terceira Island, Portugal
10 milesNWGruta do Natal Terceira Island, Portugal
11 milesNEFort of the Espírito Santo Praia da Vitória, Portugal
30 milesWChurch of Nossa Senhora do Rosário São Jorge Island, Portugal
5.4 miNAlgar do Carvão Terceira Island, Portugal
30 milesWSolar dos Tiagos São Jorge Island, Portugal
35 milesWFajã de São João São Jorge Island, Portugal
49 milesWBocas de Fogo São Jorge Island, Portugal
35 milesWTopo Volcanic Complex São Jorge Island, Portugal
3.7 miNNature Park of Terceira Terceira Island, Portugal
4.5 miNEFurna de Água Terceira Island, Portugal
6.3 miNWLagoa do Negro Terceira Island, Portugal
40 milesWLagoa da Fajã dos Cubres Portugal
38 milesWLagoa da Fajã de Santo Cristo Portugal
6.1 miWGruta das Cinco Ribeiras Portugal
5.6 miWIgreja de Nossa Senhora do Pilar Terceira Island, Portugal
9.9 miNEAcademia da Juventude Praia da Vitória, Portugal
9.9 miNEIgreja de São Miguel Arcanjo Terceira Island, Portugal
3.8 miEIgreja de Nossa Senhora da Consolação Terceira Island, Portugal
10 milesNEIgreja do Senhor Santo Cristo das Misericórdias Praia da Vitória, Portugal
9.8 miNIgreja do Imaculado Coração de Maria Terceira Island, Portugal
2.2 miNESerra do Morião Terceira Island, Portugal
10 milesNWIgreja de São Roque Terceira Island, Portugal
41 milesWReserva Florestal de Recreio da Silveira São Jorge Island, Portugal
29 milesWTopo Islet Portugal