Trek Zone

Chiesa parrocchiale di San Cresci, Campi Bisenzio

#6 among attractions in Campi Bisenzio

Chiesa parrocchiale di San Cresci

Facts and practical information

The church of San Cresci is the parish church of the hamlet of San Cresci in the municipality of Campi Bisenzio, although part of its church territory is included in the municipality of Signa.

Coordinates: 43°48'28"N, 11°8'4"E

Via degli Allori, 1Campi Bisenzio 50013 Italy

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Day trips

Chiesa parrocchiale di San Cresci – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Sant'Andrea a San Donnino, Prioria parrocchiale di Santa Maria, Pieve parrocchiale di Santo Stefano, Teatrodante Carlo Monni.

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    1.1 miNW

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to get to Chiesa parrocchiale di San Cresci by public transport?

The nearest stations to Chiesa parrocchiale di San Cresci:

  • Crescia 04 • Lines: 303, 303 M, 303 Ms, 86 As (4 min walk)
  • PT San Piero • Lines: 303, 303 M, 303 Ms, 303 S, 86 (6 min walk)

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